What Venice Can Be
anywhere in this world can be the example
of how, working together as a
community, we
can overcome any obstacle, with all the
incredible talent we have
right here,
is that place.
bringing people together and using
our creative minds, we can decide,
is Possible.”
Future of Venice is up to all of us.
Venice Based Solutions
Affordable Housing for METRO Yard Project
End Housing Loss
due to Short Term Vacation Rentals
Enforce Existing
Codes to Protect Tenants from Illegal Evictions
Repairs Ordinance w/ “Good Landlord
Repair Subsidy”
Minimum Lease for all “Residential” Rentals
Preservation Overlay Zone for Venice
Preservation Funding for Home Owners)
· Decriminalization
of Status: Housing First
and Proper Services for our Unhoused Residents
humane and cost effective solution)
· Properly Funding
Oakwood Recreation Center, Vera Davis Center,
Penmar Park and the Public
Library for Free Meeting and Event Spaces
for the Community (day and evening)
Properly Maintained
Public Bathrooms (open day and night)
· Protections
and Economic Stimulus for Low-Income
and Minority Owned Businesses
Expand VNC
Outreach to Under-Represented Communities
Justice: Bi-Lingual / Translated Board Meetings
upon our Great Cultural Heritage to Expand the Arts
No Privatization
of our Public Schools – Get Realtors off Campuses
Proper Funding
for Computer Labs and other Needed Programs
Work with Poets
to Support Literacy in our Neighborhood Schools
for our Coastline and Coastal Zone
Develop a
Water Plan w/ City to Subsidize Rain
Water Collection
Expand our
Community Gardening Programs
End the 80% Tax
Break for Big Tech,
(Direct that Revenue to Addressing the Effects of Gentrification in Venice.)
Call on City
Hall to Properly Fund Needed Venice Services
Audit and
Accountability for the Venice Surplus Property Fund
It’s a question of fairness. Above
all else, Venice is a community. As an elected council, the VNC is entrusted
with making the right decisions and advocating for the best interest of our
entire community, not for just one select group. We must respect the cultural heritage which
makes Venice a top destination for Southern California and do everything in our
power to protect and preserve the social, racial, economic and historical
diversity of the place we call home.
We must look for new ways of
envisioning development, based upon the real needs of our community, and
although property rights must be respected, limits need to be made as to just
how much property one person, or entity, should be allowed to own and
control. There comes a point when we
must say to ourselves that the needs of the larger community come before the
profits of a few.
As a small business owner based
in Venice, I whole-heartedly support any effort we can make to help our local
entrepreneurs succeed, again though we must do this responsibly and take into
account that while our longest standing – often minority and low-income
business owners, with much community support – are being driven out of Venice
by soaring rents, so tourist boutiques can decimate Abbot Kinney and Rose Ave.,
dissecting our neighborhoods with unaffordable shopping districts for local
residents, whose own rents are shooting through the roof, creating a
displacement crisis for many of our Venetian tenants, who often face eviction
so their bedrooms can be rented out for $350 a night to tourists, while
companies like Google and Snapchat get an 80% Tax Break to buy up entire blocks
and gentrify our neighborhoods, all for the sake of profit – none of which by
the way comes back to our local community to help alleviate the effects of the
disastrous economic policies of gentrification imposed on Venice from City
As a community there’s a lot we
can do better. Status quo is not good
enough. As a council we need to advocate for real solutions to the problems we
face, founded on true social, economic, racial and environmental justice.
By bringing more people together,
including more voices and listening to more ideas, we as a community can
overcome any obstacle and create a vision for our combined future that includes
us all.

Please VOTE for Mark Lipman
VNC Vice-President
Sunday, June 5th,
10am to 6pm
Oakwood Recreation Center
767 California Ave., Venice 90291
get involved, please visit:
A United Venice
for All of Venice
help us reach our fund-raising goal of $900
for All of Venice
help us reach our fund-raising goal of $900
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